
Cloud Native Transformation

Bring innovations to market faster

Cloud native is a software approach to building, deploying, and managing modern applications in cloud computing environments. Modern businesses want to build highly scalable, flexible, and elastic applications that can be updated quickly to meet customer demands. For this, they use modern tools and techniques that inherently support application development on cloud infrastructure. These cloud-native technologies enable rapid and frequent changes to applications without impacting service delivery, giving adopters an innovative edge and a competitive advantage.

Improve efficiency, reduce costs, ensure availability

Benefits of Cloud Native Approach

Enterprises will gain a competitive advantage in several ways as they build cloud-native applications.

Improve Efficiency

Cloud-native development brings agile practices such as DevOps and continuous delivery (CD). Developers use automation tools, cloud services, and a modern design culture to quickly build scalable applications.

Reduce Cost

By adopting a cloud-native approach, enterprises do not have to invest in costly procurement and maintenance of physical infrastructure. This saves operating expenses in the long run. The cost savings of building a cloud-native solution may also benefit your customers.

Ensure Availability

Cloud-native technologies allow enterprises to build elastic and highly available applications. No downtime during feature updates, and can scale up application resources during peak seasons to provide a positive customer experience.

Platform Independence

By building and deploying applications on the cloud platform, developers can ensure the consistency and reliability of the operating environment. They don't have to worry about hardware incompatibilities because the cloud provider takes care of it. As a result, developers can focus on delivering value to the application rather than setting up the underlying infrastructure.

Experienced team at your service

Cloud Native Transformation Service

Our professional team helps you transform and optimize business processes to turn your business goals into value.

Container Orchestration

Implement Kubernetes and its vendor distributions (such as LEADSTEC’s LMK, Mirantis Container Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Amazon EKS, etc.) for you to enhance your software development lifecycle.

CI/CD Enablement

Build your continuous integration/delivery CI/CD pipeline (Concourse, Jenkins, etc.) to improve and automate your development lifecycle.

Application Modernization

Optimize software to improve operational capabilities, reduce server maintenance, cut costs, provide timely security updates, and easily integrate new technologies.

Microservice Architecture

Address the complexity of software systems using a microservices-based architecture.

Application Re-platforming

Analyze your software and assist with software modernization (containerization) for maximum architecture-driven advantage.

Custom API development and integration services

Web API development services for traffic-intensive desktop, mobile, and cloud applications, as well as WebSockets, firmware/middleware, browsers, databases, and operating systems.


領新科技 LEADSTEC 擁有一支經驗豐富、技術強、管理高效的研發團隊。我們為企業提供全面的諮詢、設計、研發、實施、維護、遷移及培訓等服務。





Agile 敏捷開發

我們採用敏捷開發方式進行項目及產品的研發,除了高效的項目管理,還充分利用 DevOps 帶來的優勢,能夠快速交付並應付頻繁的需求變動。

100% 成功交付



我們長期與微軟、Adobe、Pimcore、Mirantis、AWS 等主要 I.T. 領導企業保持技術及商務夥伴關係,持續更新團隊的知識及能力。



準備讓業務 更上一層樓?馬上聯絡我們吧

我們非常樂意為您提供免費諮詢,更了解您的需求,幫助您更快更準確地選擇並實施各種 I.T. 方案。