
Take customer service to the next level


Leadstec helps businesses use a modern ERP to provide customers with a unified service desk, providing everything needed for customer support, ticket management across multiple channels, process automation, SLA tracking, reporting, and more.

Key Features and Benefits

Improve Instant Insight

Configurable dashboards give you instant insights that help you identify business bottlenecks and resolve customer issues faster at your service desk.

Omnichannel interaction

By integrating all customer service channel interactions into the ERP, teams don't have to switch between multiple channels, making sure customers don't miss support requests.

Automatically Ticket Assignment

Set up automatic allocation rules for work orders, reduce the high cost of manual allocation, give the team more time to respond to customer requests, and maintain a high level of service.

Team Effectiveness

Enable team members to collaborate on more complex support tickets by initiating a delegation. Reporting features help you monitor support team performance and analyze ticket processing.

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

According to the service expectations set by customers, formulate corresponding SLA (support policy, response and resolution time, etc.), and track all support situations to help improve services.

Customer Portal

The customer portal allows specific customers to record transactions together, initiate work orders, specify the content, view project status, scan invoices, make announcements, etc., to improve service delivery.

Knowledge Base

Creating clear documentation and FAQs through the knowledge base can effectively reduce the ticket load and free up support teams to deal with more complex issues.

Maintenance Visit Schedule

Using maintenance schedules, you can avoid missing service maintenance visits, employees can also record the work completed during each visit, and capture customer feedback.

Trackable Campaign Email

Integrate corporate mailboxes and synchronize emails, set up unified email templates, unified tracking, and automatic replies, making the internal and external communication of enterprises more professional.



LEADSTEC 提供專業的企業資源規劃 (ERP) 實施服務,包含多種業務模組,能夠全面覆蓋您的業務的每個範疇。根據您業務性質和具體需求,組合並定製以解決複雜的業務流程,協助您全面管理業務的所有環節。

財務會計系統 FAS

通過 FAS 處理整個企業的客戶付款、信用、發票及和收入跟踪,幫助您掌握並分析企業財務狀況。

訂單管理系統​ OMS


人事管理系統 HRMS

HRMS 對企業是必不可少的,能幫助您輕鬆管理招聘、假期、薪資、培訓和評估等工作。

客戶關係管理 CRM

通過 CRM 輕鬆地獲取銷售線索,推動銷售,自動化日常任務,並有效地與客戶接觸。

項目管理系統 PMS​


企業資產管理 EAM​

EAM 幫助您維護和規范運營資產和設備,從而在資產的整個生命週期內提高的質量和使用率。

服務台 Helpdesk

跨多個通路,統一為客戶提供更好的支持,包括工單管理、SLA 跟踪、流程自動化、報告等。

物料需求規劃 MRP

在生產過程中,您可以利用 MRP 來簡化生產週期、跟蹤材料消耗、產能規劃,處理轉包等。

ERP 託管

我們提供雲端 ERP 託管服務,您無需專人管理維護服務器和系統。託管 ERP 由我們資深的工程師深度優化,採用高安全級別,並定時更新安全包。您只需要專注自身業務,將這些繁瑣的事情都交給我們。


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet elit.


領新科技 LEADSTEC 擁有一支經驗豐富、技術強、管理高效的研發團隊。我們為企業提供全面的諮詢、設計、研發、實施、維護、遷移及培訓等服務。





Agile 敏捷開發

我們採用敏捷開發方式進行項目及產品的研發,除了高效的項目管理,還充分利用 DevOps 帶來的優勢,能夠快速交付並應付頻繁的需求變動。

100% 成功交付



我們長期與微軟、Adobe、Pimcore、Mirantis、AWS 等主要 I.T. 領導企業保持技術及商務夥伴關係,持續更新團隊的知識及能力。



最高資助港幣60萬,為您節省大筆 I.T. 開支



準備讓業務 更上一層樓?馬上聯絡我們吧

我們非常樂意為您提供免費諮詢,更了解您的需求,幫助您更快更準確地選擇並實施各種 I.T. 方案。