
Product Information Management (PIM)

Digitization: Shorter time to market

Ultimately, digitization will significantly reduce time-to-market and lead to a richer user experience.

Integrate and consolidate any type and volume of digital data, at any scale and in any industry. Through the API-driven, service-oriented architecture, rapid integration with third-party software such as ERP, CRM, and BI can be realized.

Deliver a great product experience across all touchpoints by delivering consistent, accurate, and up-to-date data from a single source to any output pipeline.

Key Features and Benefits

Data Modeling

Ensuring that product data can be modeled flexibly ensures that PIM can adapt to changes and integrate seamlessly with other systems.

Data Management

Work with product information more efficiently with a web-based user interface and contextual drag-and-drop operations.

Data Quality Management

Provide high-quality, clean and credible data for all channels through enterprise-level data quality and large-scale data governance functions, and bid farewell to data silos.

Workflow Management

Improve accuracy and productivity by establishing well-defined business processes and standardized editorial workflows.

Digital Asset Management

Integrates a full-featured digital asset management that simplifies the management, integration, and association of various images, graphics, documents, audio, and video.

All Channel Publishing

Rich omnichannel publishing capabilities automatically provide the right product information for your digital channels.

Application and Data Integration

The 100% API-driven interface can import/export various data with external systems so that you can integrate any data in PIM.

Product Experience Portal

Create a central marketing content hub with a configurable portal for sharing and searching product information across departments.

Unified Release of Product Data

Power more than 2,000+ sales channels and marketing platforms to drive more customer attention through marketplaces and touchpoints.

Integrate Various Stores

Grow your digital business quickly by integrating with global eCommerce marketplaces and track all your orders centrally from your dashboard.

Product Delivery Management

By optimizing all digital channels and tailoring how your products are delivered to audience preferences, you can provide consumers with a compelling shopping experience.

Microsoft/Adobe Integration

Access and retrieve product information and product assets, such as images and videos, directly within Microsoft and Adobe applications.

Enterprise Translation Management

Supports the automation of the translation process of product information, thereby eliminating repetitive and laborious manual tasks.

Enterprise Printing and Publishing

Fully automate your publishing process and keep marketing and sales materials up to date with an integrated publishing system.

全球 27 個數據中心可選

託管 Pimcore

我們在全球 27 個數據中心提供託管 Pimcore 服務,由我們專業的工程師深度優化和維護,具有高安全級別,定時更新,彈指之間便能完成系統部署


構建高質量的數字體驗平台 DXP

專業 Pimcore 及 AEM 開發及實施服務



Pimcore™ 是用於管理任何渠道和設備的任何數字數據和客戶體驗的數字平台,得到 Gartner 和 Forrester 的一致好評,並獲得 56 個國家/地區超過 100,000 家公司採用。


Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)

Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) 是非常多大型知名企業採用的數字平台,輕鬆地將網站內容管理,數字資產管理,電子表單融為一體。


領新科技 LEADSTEC 擁有一支經驗豐富、技術強、管理高效的研發團隊。我們為企業提供全面的諮詢、設計、研發、實施、維護、遷移及培訓等服務。





Agile 敏捷開發

我們採用敏捷開發方式進行項目及產品的研發,除了高效的項目管理,還充分利用 DevOps 帶來的優勢,能夠快速交付並應付頻繁的需求變動。

100% 成功交付



我們長期與微軟、Adobe、Pimcore、Mirantis、AWS 等主要 I.T. 領導企業保持技術及商務夥伴關係,持續更新團隊的知識及能力。



最高資助港幣60萬,為您節省大筆 I.T. 開支



準備讓業務 更上一層樓?馬上聯絡我們吧

我們非常樂意為您提供免費諮詢,更了解您的需求,幫助您更快更準確地選擇並實施各種 I.T. 方案。