
ERP Modules and Functions

ERP includes various modules and functions and is suitable for the needs of various industries through combination and customization. LEADSTEC helps you adopt these solutions in your business, and through ERP implementation and customization, you can completely transform your enterprise systems.

Fully grasp the financial status of the enterprise

Financial Accounting System (FAS)

Financial Accounting System (FAS) is the core of ERP. FAS provides all the tools you need to manage your finances, helping you efficiently handle customer payments, credits, invoices, and revenue tracking throughout your business, helping you grasp and analyze your business’ financial status.

Intelligent Sales / Supply Chain management

Order Management System (OMS)

Order Management System (OMS) provides intelligent tools for ERP to easily manage inventory, sales orders, customers, suppliers, shipments, deliveries and order fulfillment, etc.

Properly manage personnel and wages

Human Resources Management System (HRMS)

HRMS (Human Resources Management System) is an optional module of ERP, that provides comprehensive personnel management functions. Help you properly manage all kinds of personnel and payroll affairs, make recruitment and management of employees, attendance rate, management of leave and expenses, and processing of onboarding, training, and evaluation simple and efficient, through configurable salary structure and personalized payroll, payroll processing Single becomes very easy.

Higher Lead Conversion

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Intelligent Manufacturing Management

Material Requirements Planning (MRP)

Material Requirements Planning (MRP) is a module specially customized for the manufacturing industry. MRP can help production companies use modern systems, simplify production cycles, track material consumption, display capacity planning, handle subcontracting, etc., improve production efficiency and revenue, and reduce costs.

Agile and efficient project

Project Management System (PMS)

Project Management System (PMS) provides agile and efficient tools to simplify team communication and speed up work. Help teams organize, schedule, plan, and evaluate projects using task-driven strategies.

Take customer service to the next level


ERP offers an optional Helpdesk to help businesses provide unified support to customers across multiple channels, including work order management, SLA tracking, process automation, reporting, and more.

One-stop management of all assets of the enterprise

Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)

Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) is an optional module of ERP, which helps enterprises easily maintain and standardize operational assets and equipment, thereby improving the quality and utilization rate throughout the entire life cycle of assets.

ERP 託管

我們提供雲端 ERP 託管服務,您無需專人管理維護服務器和系統。託管 ERP 由我們資深的工程師深度優化,採用高安全級別,並定時更新安全包。您只需要專注自身業務,將這些繁瑣的事情都交給我們。


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領新科技 LEADSTEC 擁有一支經驗豐富、技術強、管理高效的研發團隊。我們為企業提供全面的諮詢、設計、研發、實施、維護、遷移及培訓等服務。





Agile 敏捷開發

我們採用敏捷開發方式進行項目及產品的研發,除了高效的項目管理,還充分利用 DevOps 帶來的優勢,能夠快速交付並應付頻繁的需求變動。

100% 成功交付



我們長期與微軟、Adobe、Pimcore、Mirantis、AWS 等主要 I.T. 領導企業保持技術及商務夥伴關係,持續更新團隊的知識及能力。



最高資助港幣60萬,為您節省大筆 I.T. 開支



準備讓業務 更上一層樓?馬上聯絡我們吧

我們非常樂意為您提供免費諮詢,更了解您的需求,幫助您更快更準確地選擇並實施各種 I.T. 方案。