Higher Lead Conversion
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Leadstec helps companies use modern ERP to easily acquire more sales leads, drive sales, automate daily tasks, and effectively engage with your customers, truly customer-centric development of your business.

Key Features and Benefits
Omnichannel Interaction
Integrate the sales leads of all channels into the CRM module, without having to switch between multiple channels, making interaction and conversion simple.
Automate everyday chores
Set up automatic allocation rules for sales leads, reduce the waste of resources allocated by manpower, give the team more time to respond to customers, and increase sales efficiency.
Sales Team Effectiveness
View team performance reports at any time, analyze lead sources or sales stages of all potential customers and assign various tasks to the team to follow up on leads or opportunities.
Fully visible sales channels
The CRM module includes an instant view of important sales and marketing opportunities, which helps you develop strategies to improve deal conversion.
Powerful Marketing Tool
Powerful CRM combined with email marketing tools can carry out targeted marketing in batches, conduct a detailed analysis of potential customer sources, and quickly convert sales leads.
LEADSTEC 提供專業的企業資源規劃 (ERP) 實施服務,包含多種業務模組,能夠全面覆蓋您的業務的每個範疇。根據您業務性質和具體需求,組合並定製以解決複雜的業務流程,協助您全面管理業務的所有環節。
財務會計系統 FAS
通過 FAS 處理整個企業的客戶付款、信用、發票及和收入跟踪,幫助您掌握並分析企業財務狀況。
訂單管理系統 OMS
人事管理系統 HRMS
HRMS 對企業是必不可少的,能幫助您輕鬆管理招聘、假期、薪資、培訓和評估等工作。
客戶關係管理 CRM
通過 CRM 輕鬆地獲取銷售線索,推動銷售,自動化日常任務,並有效地與客戶接觸。
項目管理系統 PMS
企業資產管理 EAM
EAM 幫助您維護和規范運營資產和設備,從而在資產的整個生命週期內提高的質量和使用率。
服務台 Helpdesk
跨多個通路,統一為客戶提供更好的支持,包括工單管理、SLA 跟踪、流程自動化、報告等。
物料需求規劃 MRP
在生產過程中,您可以利用 MRP 來簡化生產週期、跟蹤材料消耗、產能規劃,處理轉包等。